adjective: intangible
1. unable to be touched; not having physical presence.
“the moonlight made things seem intangible”
synonyms: impalpable, untouchable, imperceptible to the touch, non-physical, bodiless, incorporeal, unembodied, disembodied, abstract, invisible; ethereal, insubstantial, airy, aerial; spiritual, ghostly, spectral, phantom, wraithlike, transcendental, unearthly, supernatural; rareimmaterial, unbodied, discarnate, disincarnate, phantasmal, phantasmic
antonyms: tangible
2. difficult or impossible to define or understand; vague and abstract.
“an intangible atmosphere of dread and doom”
synonyms: indefinable, indescribable, inexpressible, nameless; vague, obscure, unclear, hazy, dim, mysterious; indefinite, unanalysable, subtle, elusive, fugitive
antonyms: clear
noun: intangible; plural noun: intangibles
1. an intangible thing.
early 17th century (as an adjective): from French, or from medieval Latin intangibilis, from in – ‘not’ + late Latin tangibilis.
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